Board of Directors

A Board of five Directors manages the affairs of the Old Westbury Cluster Corporation. Our mission is to conserve the beauty and value of our common property, thus giving you the best chance of your property values moving in the right direction.

We take our charter seriously and have established standard corporate practices for establishing and operating reserves, managing our finances, administering contracts, establishing and maintaining community services, establishing and enforcing our design standards, and improving the beauty of the common grounds.

We are proud that during our most recent reserve study update, the reserve analysts remarked that we are one of the best-managed HOAs they’ve worked with for over twenty-five years!

We serve two-year terms, elected at the annual meeting by a quorum of the greater community of homeowners in attendance.

Current board members are listed here, with their current term endings in parentheses.

Board Member

Boone, Walter (2025)


Constantine, Walt (2024)

Board Member

Vacant – Kaplowitz, Morris (2025) resigned in June, 2024

Vice President

Humphreys, James (Robbie) (2024)

Board Member

Gress, Amy (2025)